SURFER BATHER Bath Lift With Airflo 12


Transform bath time into a stress-free experience with the Surfer Bather Children's Bath Lift. Expertly designed by Move Mobility, this powered lift ensures the utmost safety for your little ones and minimizes strain for caregivers. It is operated by the innovative Airflo Mk3 and offers a lightweight and portable solution with a fully waterproof hand control for simple operation. The bath lift features an adjustable backrest and an optional pommel for your child's comfort, as well as a secure seat and side rails for stability during both transfer and bathing. Its easy-to-clean design elevates convenience, making it a delightful addition to any family's routine.

Move Mobility - Keeping Australia Moving


Maximum user weight: 50kg / 8 stone (112lbs)
Maximum user height: 135cm / 4′ 5″
Overall length: 114cm / 44″
Platform width: 41cm/68.5cm or 16″/27″
Maximum height: 43cm / 17″
Minimum height: 6cm / 2.5″
Backrest angle: From flat to 70 degrees max.
Weight of platform (inc. Backrest & Pommels): 4.2kg / 9lbs.
Height: 440 mm