Equipment for Dementia Patients

Enhance the care of dementia patients with Move Mobility's tailored equipment, offering support in daily tasks and promoting a safer living environment.

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As a DVA and NDIS approved provider, Move Mobility specializes in providing equipment designed to support people living with dementia. Our range includes tools and technology aimed at improving the quality of life and maintaining independence for as long as possible.

Caring for People with Dementia

Caring for individuals with dementia involves understanding the progression of the disease and its impact on daily living. As dementia progresses, memory loss and cognitive decline can make everyday tasks challenging. Implementing assistive technology and simple equipment can help maintain independence and reduce the risk of accidents. Personal alarms, grab rails, and dementia clocks are examples of products designed specifically to assist with daily living aids those with dementia.

Equipment for Alzheimer Patients

Alzheimer's disease, a common form of dementia, often leads to memory and cognitive challenges. Equipment like automatic pill dispensers and medication reminders can help manage medication schedules. Memory aids such as calendar clocks are also beneficial in keeping track of daily household tasks done.

Alzheimer Aids and Equipment

Alzheimer's patients require specific aids to manage symptoms effectively. These include tools that assist in memory recall, such as dementia clocks and reminder devices. Personal alarms and location devices can also be vital for families and carers to locate and contact their loved ones if they wander.

Key Equipment Categories for Dementia and Alzheimer's Patients

Over Toilet Aids

Over Toilet Aids are vital for ensuring safety and ease in the bathroom, particularly for those with dementia or Alzheimer's. These aids fit over standard toilets, providing stability and support with features like armrests and height adjustability. Their non-slip feet and sturdy design help prevent slips and falls, while their ergonomic structure supports independent use, making personal care less challenging for individuals with cognitive impairments.

Bed Pad Smart Barrier

The Bed Pad Smart Barrier is an innovative solution designed to prevent falls from bed, a common concern in the care of dementia and Alzheimer's patients. These barriers are typically soft, padded, and easily attachable to the bed, creating a safe and secure edge. They not only provide physical safety but also offer peace of mind to both the user and their caregivers, ensuring a better quality safer sleep environment without the restrictions of traditional bed rails.

Bottom Wipers

Bottom Wipers are a dignified solution for personal hygiene challenges faced by individuals with dementia or Alzheimer's. These devices are specifically designed to extend reach and provide an easier way to maintain cleanliness after using the toilet. Ergonomically designed for comfort and ease of use, they are particularly helpful for those people with dementia with limited mobility or dexterity, promoting independence and self-care in the bathroom.

Lamps & Lights

Proper lighting is essential in the care of dementia and Alzheimer's patients, as it can significantly reduce confusion and anxiety. Lamps and lights for these individuals are designed to provide a clear, consistent light source, minimizing shadows and glare that can be disorienting. Some specialized lamps may also feature easy-to-use switches, dimmable settings, and even motion sensors to automatically provide illumination when needed, ensuring a safe and well-lit environment.


Dementia clocks are an invaluable tool in maintaining cognitive health and daily routine for individuals with dementia. These clocks often feature large, clear displays showing the time, day, and date, which can be crucial for those experiencing memory loss and disorientation. They help in reinforcing a sense of time and can assist in scheduling daily activities, medication reminders, and appointments, thus supporting the maintenance of a structured and familiar routine.

Caring for Someone with Cognitive Decline

Caring for individuals with cognitive decline, such as those with dementia or Alzheimer's, demands a specialized approach that combines compassion, patience, and appropriate environmental adaptations. The key is to identify and establish a living space that is both safe and familiar to minimize disorientation and anxiety. This involves simplifying the environment to make it more navigable and less overwhelming, while also ensuring it's equipped with necessary safety features.

In creating such an environment, it's essential to consider the incorporation of assistive devices that are specifically tailored to the needs of those with cognitive challenges. These devices, ranging from dementia-friendly clocks to specialized lighting and bathroom aids, should be intuitive and straightforward to use, reducing the potential for frustration or confusion. For example, clocks with large, clear displays can help individuals keep track of time, while sensor-activated night lights can provide safe navigation during nocturnal awakenings.

Safety is another paramount concern in caring for those with cognitive decline. This includes taking measures to prevent wandering, such as installing door alarms or locks and using GPS tracking devices if needed. Additionally, ensuring the person's home alone is free from tripping hazards, securing rugs, and installing grab rails in key areas like the bathroom can help prevent falls.

Caregivers should also be mindful of the emotional needs of individuals with dementia or Alzheimer's. Maintaining a calm, supportive environment, offering reassurance, and engaging the person in meaningful activities that resonate with the person's interests and past experiences can significantly enhance their quality of life.

Ultimately, caring for someone with cognitive decline is about creating a balance between promoting independence and ensuring safety and comfort. It's a dynamic process that requires ongoing assessment and adaptation as the individual's needs evolve.

Mindful Considerations in Home Care

When caring for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia at home, consider their safety and comfort. Ensure the home is free from hazards and use equipment like side chairs, grab rails and night lights to prevent accidents. Regularly assess their needs as the condition progresses and adapt the environment accordingly.

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